Hi blog! I've missed you a bunch and I'm really excited today because I get to ramble on and on (and on) about my first trip to Key West!
Yes, I got to spend Friday-Sunday HERE with my amazing boyfriend. It was my first ever trip to Key West and C's 3rd time... I learned the hard way that you don't go hard your first day there. Bad idea. Painful.
Here we are before we stepping on the plane. We had three rounds... probably should have stopped at 1. C is not a good flyer so I felt inclined to loosen my nerves with him. Or, at least, that's my excuse.
But look, we both made it on the plane!
And then this happened... it was a 45 minute plane ride. The flight was so short, in fact, we had to chug our drinks because they were grabbing them out of our hands 10 minutes after they gave them to us. So, maybe we only needed 1 vodka each?
When we arrived at our resort before our room was ready, so we hung out at the pool bar for a little while. And continued to booze. If you're feeling drunk just reading this, you are correct.
Finally our room was ready and we walked in to THIS.. and then I died.
I had NO idea he was going to spoil me with this massive, gorgeous condo with a two freaking story balcony. Boyfriend points for life!
Birds eye view of C from the spiral-freaking-staircase-omg.
And then, my friends, I was introduced to Duval Street... It was pretty much exactly what I've always heard, and then some. Bars on bars on bars. A little bit a tourist shopping. And some more bars. Oh, and some drag queens!
We kept it classy with our monogram coozies though, don't worry. Yeah, classy. That was us on Friday. Fo sho.
And the rest of Friday night was slightly a drift... as I'm pretty sure you could guess. Saturday morning was ROUGH. To say the very least. My 25 year old ass can. not. hang. So, I nursed my weight in water for a good majority of Saturday while lounging on our balcony. I could think of worse places to be hung over.
Fun story from Saturday for you. As we were lounging we noticed a man seemingly laying underwater on the beach, from our balcony. We continued to joke that he was dead because the man legit didn't move for at least an hour, probably more. Finally another onlooker actually went down there to shake the man and he wouldn't move. At this point, my hungover self was about to pass out from the anxiety this was causing. So, the guy finally starts to move. Slowly. Like a turtle, really weird. Hotel security comes out to see what's going on. Turns out he's some hammered bum in his undies who fell asleep in the water. Watching this man attempt to get on his bicycle to flee the scene was priceless. Can't buy entertainment like that, folks.
Once I was finally back on my feet, we made our way back to Duval Street for some tourist shopping and dinner. Oh, and some more drinks. I stuck to beer. No vodka. Nada. Nooo vodka.
I was missing my boxed wine.
We went to this really great bar called Willie T's and the ENTIREEEE bar was covered in signed dollars bills. A real strippers paradise.
We couldn't say no to leaving our mark in Key West.
Though I'm not really sure who gave this guy a staple gun...
Also, highlight of the trip... I found this little gem in the bathroom at one of the bars we were at. A different surprise every time! Damn, if only I had a dollar in quarters.
Last, but not least, I need to show off just how cool we really are. We found a shop that makes t-shirts, seemingly similar to the Shore Store (for my Jersey Shore peeps), and we had these bad boys made. No, we're not being serious. Yes, we walk around the house using YOLO obnoxiously all. the. time. We're the coolest kids on the block. Totally.
Anyways, it was a serious fabulous trip - minus my realizing I should stick to the boxed wine and leave the hard stuff for the kiddos.

Looks like such a great time!! :)
Reply<3 Melissa
i love that skinny bow headband! where did you get it?
Replyi love keywest! such a great place!
ReplyLooks amazing! Totes jealous of your weekend away! xoxo
ReplyLooks like you had an amazing trip, minus Saturday morning :) lol.
Replyyou two are just the cutest!
ReplyCUTE!! What a fun, fun little vacation :-) Key West is the best place and it looks like you had a FABULOUS time!!
ReplyLooks like an awesome time! My friend is from KW and she's always talking about how fun it is, your pictures definitely prove that to be true!
Replythis looked like fun!!!
ReplyI have that exact same monogrammed koozie! Love it. Y'all are cute!
ReplyLMFAO!!! I want a YOLO tee! hahahaa
Replywhat a fun little getaway! I love Key West - I've only been twice, but it's definitely one of my favs. It's just such a fun atmosphere! I want to live there! Sloppy Joes is so yummy and I love those big huge Fat Tuesday drinks. PS - you're a doll :)
ReplyI've always wanted to go to Key West...and I lived in Florida for a while too! Looks like you had a great time! Love the pics!
ReplyLooks like a great time! I've always wanted to go to Key West.
ReplyMinus the hangover this sounds like the perfect weekend!
Replylooks so fun!
Replyyour YOLO shirts crack me up!
My friend and I were talking about our want to go there. You've just forced me to change that want to a NEED. Thanks.
ReplySo jealous you went to key west!
Replyoh my goodness, looks like an amazing trip!! that condom box cracks me up!
ReplyWhat an awesome trip. I am cracking up that y'all had so many drinks and the flight attendants were taking them away. Also I was going to make fun of those yolo shirts on instagram but I didn't know you well enough yet to know if you were joking lol.
ReplyFound your blog via the blog hop! Love it! Looks like you had a great time in Key West!
Looks like you two had a {BLAST} -- I love ya'lls coozies! So classy is right, you can never go wrong with monogram sassy coozies. I am pregnant, so the drinks on the plane look delicious - I would kill for one right now. Hopefully, you'll check out my blog too! I am also from the south {Alabama} REPRESENT! :)
- Mandy
found you from bargain blonde. umm, yolo shirts? stfu. love them! hahahaha
ReplyI want to go to Key West! Where did you guys stay? Looks so fun!