Don't adjust your computer screens - don't panic - this is not a test of your emergency broadcasting system - Whitney has just been hijacked. But don't worry, I promise to make this almost as painless as getting your eyebrows threaded.
For those of you that don't know me, I'm Brooke, and I blog over at Tales From My Fairytales (which Whitney waved her pink sparkly wand over and made look absolutely fabulous).
I'm a cowboy boot wearing, southern speaking, sports loving Kentucky girl with jacked up to Jesus hair, a deep love for Jake Owen, all things outdoor, Mexican food and chocolate. In no particular order.
If you've been around these parts for long, y'all know that our girl Whitney has been blogging about anxiety - so while she's out doing sparkly princess things - I'm here to talk about how she can pump the brakes on her overwhelming feelings of anxiety.
We all know Whitney loves her boxed wine. And who doesn't? But sometimes you can't roll up into the movies, sporting event, trip to the mall or hair appointment with a box of wine the size of small baby.
I have the solution.

These are roughly 3 glasses of wine - or one and a half Tervis Tumblr's full - they fit in your purse, and are a great way to get your buzz on.
Drown your sorrows in a bathtub full of bubbles. Because don't we all look like this in the tub?

PSA: do not google image bubble bath at work
Fill that tub full of bubbles, turn on the musical stylings of Mumford and Sons (or Lil Wayne), sip a glass of wine and feel the anxiety leave the tips of your toes. If you can find a hot man that resembles Jake Owen to find his way in the tub with you, well, I'm not one to tell you how to spend your time.
Go out dancing with your girlfriends.

Nothing helps me more than dropping it like it's hot. Busting a move or just simply getting my groove on.
Text your girlfriends.
It's team no judgment around these parts. It's great to have a set of girlfriends in your back pocket that you can text about ANYTHING. So if you feel like your curling iron is still burning - text your girlfriend. If you feel like the man behind you is following you - text your girlfriend (that way the police can trace your phone and your whereabouts, duh).
I promise there will be none of this on the other end.

If all else fails - head straight to Chipotle, buy the biggest burrito they have - and eat til your heart is content.

I'm all about eating some carbs when the troubles of the world feel like they are weighing your shoulders - may as well move that feeling from your shoulders to your stomach.
Hope this solves all your anxiety-ridden problems today, pretty princesses!
Until next time,