You know what I get for abandoning my blog for nearly a month? Most likely some really crazy looks when the subject of this particular post gets read. Yeah, so I'm about a month late in updating about our Memorial Day fun but hey, better late than never. Right? Right?
The boyfriend, parents, and myself took a little "stay-cation" at this lovely resort and it did not disappoint. I love any excuse to float down a lazy river in a float, drink in hand. Mmhmm..
A little sangria, anyone?
The first night there this handsome man and I celebrated 1/2 year of us dating and, well, I love any reason to celebrate. Especially when it's something as fantastic as having this phenomenal man in my life for 6 months!
We spent the actual Memorial Day lounging in hammocks and drinking delicious alcoholic beverage. It was every bit of relaxation I ever wanted. Seriously.
Love this guy.
My mom was also kind enough to take a couple nice pictures of us on my big camera. You know, for framing purposes.
I may, or may not, have stocked up on many canvas print vouchers via Living Social and Groupon... It's an addiction. Who can pass up a $25 canvas, though?
Definitely going on canvas. His face. Swoon!
Silly, but so typical and us. ;)
Our view while we waited for the fireworks show. Tough life, I swear.
annnnd fireworks, of course.
Once the fireworks were over we decided to have a drink at the lobby bar before heading back to the room. This is where we decided we really enjoyed the term "night cap".
So, yeah, better late than never. I'm working on getting back in the swing so we can avoid these month-long delays. Maybe by 4th of July I'll be on track to post my recap with the rest of you.