It's 11 o'clock and I've yet to post anything on this blog today. My bad. Bloggers block is a female dog, ya know?
I figured I'd show off this pretty spectacular thing I got when I was in Key West called a Woozie, for those of you who haven't been introduced to said item yet.
So this, my friends, is a dream come true and I'm the wineo who is a new home to one. It's a coozie for your wine glass. Hello? WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THIS?! I love coozies. and wine.
Ridiculous. Cool. Awesome. I've been using it every night since I made the purchase and it's genius. I would like to meet the creator of this little invention and hug them. And maybe be their best friend.
And to continue on with subjects that I'm fairly certain will never end up on my bloggers block list - online shopping. Today Very Jane is going to make me go broke. I am obsessed with sites like this lately and today this one is killing me with the cute. Here's what I'm most likely going to end up ordering today.
How cute are these little alphabet stamps? I feel like they'd be fab for Christmas pressies!
You can customize those headbands with so many different colors and even if they're meant for children I'm going to squeeze my adult sized head in to one. Fo shiz.
I need a new wallet... these are handmade and come in adorableeeee fabrics. NEED!
Am I the only one on the GroopDealz, VeryJane, Pick Your Plum wagon lately? I can't get off!

I have a pink woozie! It's amazing. I had never seen one before until we moved to NC.
ReplyOMG! A woozie???!! I need one of those!
ReplyI love the little alphabet stamps, so cute! I'm a new follower from the GFC blog hop, just wanted to say hi and I love your blog!
ReplyThe woozie is pure genius!!!!!
Reply<3 Melissa
Love your Woozie - I need one that fits an extra Large glass, haha! I'm obsessed with Groopdealz, girl! checking out Very Jane now :)
Replythe woozie is awesome! stopping by from the link up and i'm so glad i did! i love your blog by the way! i can't wait to read more! happy tuesday!
ReplyI have wanted a woozie for awhile, but still don't have one! for shame!
Replygroopdealz and very jane are my favorites!
I'm new to VeryJane, and it's killing my bank account! I feel like I'm buying something there every day!
ReplyI'm also new to your blog! I followed you over here from PinkLouLou. Nice to meet you!
That is such a great idea! And I love the name Woozie! I've never heard of such a thing, but now I definitely want one!
ReplyI will take one of each, great eye! Thanks for sharing and I am a new follower and visiting from the GFC blog hop!
ReplyHope you are having a good day!
A woozie?! What a fab idea!!
Replynew follower from GFC Blog Hop, looove your blog!! =)
Love the woozie and the stamps!
ReplyThat is so cool!
ReplyStopping by from the GFC hop. Still going down the list. Love for you to stop by and return the follow.
Hosting Like me on facebook. Love to have you link up your facebook and twitter pages.
A woozie?!? I need this asap!